Chú thích Hãn quốc Y Nhi

  1. 1 2 Rahiminejad, Sadegh: IRAN: Tarikh (2006). Languages of the Persian [Section]
  2. Peter Jackson - The Mongols and the west, p.127
  3. Jeremiah Curtin-The Mongols: A history, p.184
  4. Timothy May-Chormaqan, p.47
  5. Grigor of Akanc-The history of the nation of archers, (tr. R.P.Blake) 303
  6. Kalistriat Salia-History of the Georguan Nation, p.210
  7. Thomas T. Allsen-Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia, p.84
  8. George Finlay- The history of Greece from its conquest by the Crusaders to its conquest by the Ottomans, p.384
  9. C.P.Atwood-Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, see:Monqe Khan
  10. M. Th. Houtsma-E.J. Brill's first encyclopaedia of Islam, 1913-1936, Volume 1, p.729
  11. Ehsan Yar-Shater- Encyclopaedia Iranica, p.209
  12. P.Jackson-Dissolution of the Mongol Empire, pp.222
  13. Christopher P. Atwood - Ibid
  14. Michael Prawdin, Mongol Empire and its legacy, p.302
  15. H.H.Howorth-History of the Mongols, vol.IV, p.138
  16. "Despite numerous envoys and the obvious logic of an alliance against mutual enemies, the papacy and the Crusaders never achieved the often-proposed alliance against Islam". Atwood, Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, p. 583, "Western Europe and the Mongol Empire"
  17. Medieval Persia 1040–1797, David Morgan tr. 64
  18. Medieval Persia 1040–1797, David Morgan p72
  19. Ali Al Oraibi, Rationalism in the school of Bahrain: a historical perspective, in Shīʻite Heritage: Essays on Classical and Modern Traditions By Lynda Clarke, Global Academic Publishing 2001 p336
  20. Gregory G.Guzman - Were the barbarians a negative or positive factor in ancient and medieval history?, The historian 50 (1988), 568-70
  21. Thomas T.Allsen - Culture and conquest in Mongol Eurasia, 211
  22. Francis Robinson, The Mughal Emperors and the Islamic Dynasties of India, Iran and Central Asia, Pages 19 and 36
  23. Cigdem Solas, ACCOUNTING SYSTEM PRACTICED IN THE NEAR EAST DURING THE PERIOD 1220-1350, based ON THE BOOK RISALE-I FELEKIYYE, The Accounting Historians Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1 (June 1994), pp. 117-135